Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Judgement of Thamus

Salon Three

Just like Thamus, Neil Postman feels when a problem is solved, more problems arrive. For example, the use of cars as a mode of transportation. The car has obviously solved many problems, however has caused problems as well. Pollution, traffic and have destroyed environmental landscapes. He believes all new technologies which has solved problems, will definitely introduce new and different problems. Many times these problems can not be predicted.

The implementation of technology has been a blessing and curse depending upon which way someone looks at it. My belief it has been a blessing, however, it has to be used the correct way. Teachers and students both must take responsibility to use these technologies appropriately and positively. Teachers need to use technology to enhance their lessons and not just throw computers in front of the students. Computers should be used as a tool for learning...not be used as the teacher.

During our conversation I talked about spell check. I have always been a weak speller and once I discovered spell check, I thought it was the greatest thing around. But I didn't start using spell check until college. I had years of practicing my spelling and using dictionaries. From my experience students depend upon spell check to much and have become lazy with there spelling. It is important for teachers to make sure students are able to spell and do not depend upon spell check. I feel the same away about calculators.. I have a classroom of students in middle school who do not know there multiplication table.

There is also the subject of online chatting. It is a great way to network and stay in touch with friends. I use this technology daily. However, students are starting to write how they type during chats or texting. THe use of LOL, OMG, Ur....instead of writing out words or phrases. Also children have gotten into sitituations and conversations with people or adults that are inappropriate. This is another example of a technology that is used for something positive has a negative attribute as well.

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