Monday, October 29, 2007

Mascara and the Mayas

The other day as I was getting ready to go out and my mascara fell off my dresser right behind it. Of course I was running late and had to get my mascara quickly from behind my dresser. First I tried to move my dresser, to heavy. Next I got down on the floor and shoved my arm underneath my dresser as far back as it could go, didn't reach. I tried using a brush, a notebook, anything I could grab - I couldn't get it. At this point, ten minutes later I am about to freak out- just then my eyes connected with a wire hanger across the room....yes a wire hanger, Joan Crawford would be proud..... This had to work I thought to myself as I tripped over a pile of clothing to get the hanger- I slid the wire lasso under my dresser and walla! my mascara was pulled out unharmed.....I was now able to successfully get ready to leave my apartment......and how weird, I felt like I figured out what was in the box in Pulp Fiction or something....very accomplished.

What does this have to do with TEAM or anything really....well keep on reading if interested..... Could I dare to call this constructivist learning? Yes I do... I learned by trial and error, undirected, problem solving, thinking and by doing.

I would like to think I provide an environment in my classroom which encourages and fosters constructive learning... I teach a 7th grade self contained special education class and it is difficult to get them to remained focused.....Last week we started to learn about the Mayas. I presented the class with the questions, "Why would we want to learn about the Maya Empire?" Each student got a laptop and 2 periods to do what ever they needed to, to answer the question. I was amazed with how well the students worked and how interested and motivated they were. The students were calling each other over to their computers when they found out something interesting or found a cool picture. They had ownership in their own learning. (I am not sure if they even realized) When it was time for the students to share their information, it was hard to control the enthusiasm in the class. Everyone had something to share and everyone learned something...Most of them were excited to talk about how they sacrificed humans..... It was a nice change to see the students intrinsically motivated . This morning I asked them what they remember about the Mayas from last week...guess what? Many of them remembered what they discussed last week...two students even went to the library (yes, the library) over the weekend and brought in books about the Mayas. Usually I need to juggle in front of the class on top of chair to get that type of response....literally....


Christine Southard said...

Wow! I'm excited for you Farryl. It is great when the students become vested in their learning. Isn't it wonderful how constructivist environments bring out the best in your students? Are you going to take the project any further with some web 2.0 tools? I'm an advocate for blogging in self-contained classrooms, as an authentic global audience becomes a great motivator for quality work. See me in class and we can talk about modifications for all learners. :)

Melissa said...

Fantastic Farryl. I'm so happy your "MacGyver" like skills saved your mascara. Awesome!

Diana said...

OMG, i love your mascara story. You rock! I would definitely consider that to be constructivist learning. PS- I couldn't open my gatorade bottle tonight and asked a guy to help. Does that count?

Sharon said...

Very creative with the Mascara and tying in constructivism! I had to read on to see how you were going to link it all. Loved it!!!